IEP professional development tends to focus on filling in the boxes in the IEP document. This webinar goes deeper to focus instead on the foundation of effective, legally compliant IEPs: appropriate evaluations.
Attorney Deanna Arivett will start by reviewing the IDEA's evaluation, IEP, and FAPE requirements. She’ll then use that legal framework to teach you how to conduct comprehensive evaluations so you can use those evaluations to write compliant IEPs that identify all of a student's special education needs.
You’ll learn how to identify and obtain the evaluation data needed to develop IEPs that promote student growth, and how to connect the dots between student deficits, IEP goals, and student progress to see substantive change with students.
Along with the types of assessment tools available and when to use each one, you will leave equipped to:
Deanna L. Arivett, Esq., is an attorney with Arivett Law PLLC, where she exclusively represents public schools in Tennessee. She consults with clients on day-to-day legal matters and represents clients in litigation at both the administrative and federal court levels. Prior to her legal career, she practiced as a nationally certified school psychologist in public schools in both Tennessee and Ohio. Ms. Arivett’s unparalleled background provides her with unique insight and knowledge of the challenges faced by today's school personnel.